The balls of Thomas Edison as source of creativity Image by StockSnap from Pixabay Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but also together with William Kennedy Dickson in 1888, he created the first movie projector, the kinetoscope, and one of the first electric chairs with his employee Nikola Tesla (yes that one!) and much more. […]
The power of storytelling, coffee (!) and 4 ingredients to be(come) a story creator.
The power of storytelling and 4 ingredients to be(come) a story creator. Image by StockSnap from Pixabay The story of coffee Long time a go, around 850 BC an Arab goatheader named Kaldi noticed how his goats acted strangely. When he looked what caused it, he saw they were eating certain berries. Intrigued by it, […]
Why bullets kill and stories live forever
Why bullet points kill and stories live forever (a short story) Image unidentified In the world of PowerPoints (and Keynotes), there’s a timeless battle between the practicality of bullet points and the profound impact of storytelling. You see, bullet points appeal to the logical left brain, offering a structured but sterile way to convey information, […]
Surfing the waves of change as the base for profit
Riding the Tidal Wave of Change: Strategies for SME Profitability Image from Change is inevitable. Whether we like it or not, the world around us is constantly evolving and transforming. The forces of economic, social, technological and environmental change are changing our markets, our customers, our competitors and our opportunities. But change is also […]
Master the Art of Business
Master the Art of Business: Transform Logic into Emotion Image from some Ai In the world of business, the significance of emotion transcends the confines of conventional logic. Logic serves its purpose, undoubtedly – navigating us from point A to B, laying the groundwork for market entry. Yet, in a landscape teeming with competitors fixated […]
AI versus Human intelligence: And the winner is…
Human Intelligence versus AI and the winner is… Image from Literally: That depends on the question. Asking the question determines the outcome of what AI is going to create or the kind of answer it will give and it’s where Human Intelligence is best. Asking the question, or more precise, defining the problem is […]
Synchronicity grows brands and people
SYNCHRONICITY GROWS BRANDS & PEOPLE Connecting Carl Jung and Joseph Jaworski I came across Joseph Jaworski’s book “Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership,” where he explores the concept of synchronicity as it relates to leadership and personal development. As I belief in humanizing brands (for multiple reasons), I was interested to see if branding and […]
Unlocking Full Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Thrive in an Ever-Changing World
UNLOCKING FULL POTENTIAL: The ultimate guide to thrive in an ever-changing world It’s not the strongest of species that survives, it’s the ones that are most adaptable to change. – Darwin The only thing we know for sure about the future is that it won’t be anything like today. The best way to deal with […]